How to teach your kids the act of gratitude
Babies as early as 18 months old can begin to realize that they are cared for by others and that people go out of their way to make them happy—a fundamental idea for learning appreciation.
Toddlers can begin to express their gratitude for things as early as two years old, such as Mommy and Daddy, favorite toys, and pets.
By the age of four, children may comprehend that thankfulness might include not only objects and people, but also actions of kindness and love.

Gratitude is linked to happiness in children by the age of five, according to a 2019 study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies. As a result, expressing thankfulness to your children at an early age may help them grow into happy adults.
Why should we teach our children to be grateful?
“We know that gratitude is associated with more positive emotions, having strong relationships, enjoying more experiences, and even health benefits,” she added. “However, gratitude is not something that children usually acquire automatically; it needs to be nurtured, in an age-appropriate way.”
Children who are thankful (ages 11 to 13) are happier, more optimistic, and have more social support. They are also happier in their schools, families, communities, friends, and with themselves. Grateful children are also more likely to provide social support to others.
So clearly there are a lot of good reasons to help kids experience and express gratitude. Here are a few strategies that can help your kids feel more grateful.

Teach them to use the word “thank you” with ease.
Even if it doesn’t appear to be true thanks when your child needs a reminder, allowing them to verbally express gratitude can be a valuable learning tool for genuine gratitude later on.”
Encourage your child to express his or her gratitude on a frequent basis. “Your aunt said your dress is pretty,” for example, is a friendly reminder. What do you think you should say to her?” “What do you say to Daddy because he bought your favourite toy?”
You can also urge your children to write “thank you” notes to those who have given them presents or treated them well. Your child may choose to color a picture for a grandmother who bought them a birthday present. Alternatively, you may encourage your kid to write a “thank you” note to Daddy for always providing fro the family.

Model gratitude out loud.
This could be because children learn to be grateful through hearing and watching their parents express thanks.
Here are some examples of how you might teach your children to be grateful:
- Always say “Thank you,”. Make a habit of thanking people frequently, whether it’s the store clerk or your child for clearing the table.
- Talk about gratitude. Make it a point to express your gratitude to others. Even if you’re having a difficult day or something bad happens, remind yourself that you have a lot to be thankful for. Instead of whining about the rain, express gratitude that the plants are being watered, ensuring that you will have food to eat.
- Express gratitude. When your child sees you writing “thank you” notes or sending a symbol of appreciation, he or she will learn to do so as well.

Often put them on the gratitude spot.
Children need to feel like they are in control of choosing to be grateful and not the other way around.
As parents, we need to constantly put them in situations that require them to show acts of kindness or put themselves in other people’s shoes, now ask them afterward “How does this make you feel?” in order to arouse a sense of awareness and gratitude from within them.
These acts can range from giving them extra lunch to share with someone in need of it at school, Making a point to donate grown-out clothes and gently used toys that might make another little child happy or that another child could use, guiding them to give money or provision to the needy across the street.
You can discuss the joy other kids will get in using the new-to-them items, as a way to encourage connectivity and empathy.

Make them comfortable with helping out with chores
This act generally allows children to appreciate the efforts of people taking care of them and also feel a sense of responsibility.
Children at a young age show the trait of wanting to help out with house chores when they are not asked, but this reduces gradually as they grow older, most probably because they perceive it as exhausting and not fun.
Parents should help younger children nurture their perception and make them understand the connection. They can explain that everyone in the family has a responsibility to help each other, and then point out how different family members contribute to the household in different ways.
This can help children to appreciate their role in the ‘greater good’ and nurtures their sense of gratitude,”