How to keep kids entertained while you work from home

It’s been a really challenging time with managing kids in the pandemic and working to make ends meet. As the world continues to battle with Coronavirus, kids go in and out of online school every now and then, and we need to find ways to keep them entertained in order to keep our jobs. 

If you want time to either concentrate on your work with kids at home, here are some fun activities to keep your child/children busy and happy.   

Creative Activities. When your child’s imagination is sparked, they would be happy to stay in their space for long hours; which gives you time for your work and keeps your child busy. 

Jigsaw Puzzle. If you have a jigsaw at home, tell your children to complete the puzzle. They would be excited, and the puzzles take a long time and effort to complete. 

Coloring books and Drawings. These are some of the easiest and straightforward activities children can be involved in; drawing and coloring also improves the motor skills and trains the brain to focus. For adults, it can be a great way to relax. 

House cleaning (Windows, Surfaces or Appliances). It is not a bad idea to involve your kids in the cleaning process of the house and all its components. Simple activities like wiping down surfaces and cleaning the window for younger kids, and cleaning appliances for older kids would keep them busy, give you time for your work and save you house-cleaning stress. 

Arts and Craft. To keep your kids entertained and occupied, arts and craft is one of the best options available for you. If your kids are old enough and can handle scissors, then the results could be much more beautiful. Cutting keeps your child alert, promotes grasp patterns and helps in improving focus and attention. 

Scavenger Hunt. Hide items around the house and let them have a list, crossing off every item as they locate them.  Depending on how well and the number of items, you could have a good amount of hours to yourself. 

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